Girlynomics now on Kindle

Girlynomics: The Downturn Alley Edition by Kate Battrick (Make Do Style) is now available on Kindle for a bargain price of £1.02.

"Harness the power of Girlynomics to set your budget, balance your personal income and live within your means. In these hard times this book is the perfect answer to help you live your life without having to keep left over bits of lemon in the freezer! Girlynomics will give you new insight in how to make your student loan, weekly wage or salary last for year, month or week".

We're biased as we did the cover & chapter titles (above) for Kate, but it's a great book, a real wealth of information, resources and ideas to help make a girl's finances stretch that bit further. The perfect read for those cold, dark February evenings!

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