Henri's walk to Paris by Saul Bass & Leonore Klein

I've had this image as inspiration for a few years now and I have no idea were it came from nor did I have any idea what is was. I just liked the bold graphics and quirky type.

Well, how could I not have recognised the work of Saul Bass (don't worry I am truly ashamed!). It turns out that this is a pic of the cover of an original copy of the only children's book he ever designed - 'Henri's walk to Paris'. A book that he designed with Leonore Klein in 1962 and that has been out of print for many years until now.

"Henri’s Walk to Paris is the story of a young boy who lives in Reboul, France, who dreams of going to Paris. One day, after reading a book about Paris, he decides to pack a lunch and head for the city."

As of last week this gorgeous little book is back on the shelves and available here.

Via Brain Pickings.
Images (apart from the top one) from Brain Pickings.

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