How to Work Better

I'm not sure who created this*, but what great rules for being more efficient, enjoying your work and staying sane!

*We just been informed that this was written by Fischli and Weiss and designed by James Goggin - thanks Dick.

Via Inspiration Resource.


  1. Love it! Need it pinned on my wall. Nice to chat last night and you said something useful about waiting until the event to see what happens. I was going to apply for a job that's not me just because it is in film industry only to earn some money but then I realised all my effort would be undone!

    I'll start working on new edition of girlynomics asap!

  2. It was written by Fischli and Weiss and designed by James Goggin

  3. Thanks Dick - I'll update the post. Cheers.

  4. You'r welcome. Have a nice weekend
