An Apple A Day...

I love the new version of David Weik’s classic, 'An Apple A Day' letterpress poster. It's a great way to collect those cute little fruit stickers (check out some of my collection here) and you know what they say about an apple a day - so it will help you stay healthy too.

"Just peel the little variety sticker from every apple you eat and affix it to a square. Keep it interesting. Try a Belle De Boskoop, a Newtown Pippin, how about a Peasgood Nonsuch, or maybe a Turley Winesap. There's no shortage of combinations and imagine how good you'll feel, when, after a years time, you've filled each square with a colorful little sticker."

The poster is 18 x 23" and available here for $24.

Artwork ©2009 Vik LLC.
Via SwissMiss.


  1. That is such a good idea - I might get it as a Christmas present!

  2. what a fantastic idea, I love stickers, but you probably knew that!!
